
Who this is

The web site address is rnjbr.org. Parsa Ranjbar is the author and owner of rnjbr.org. We may refer to rnjbr.org as “this web site” or “the web site” and refer to Parsa Ranjbar as the “licensor”.


Material on rnjbr.org is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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The actual license (legal code) is here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode


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Personal views disclaimer

Any views or opinions expressed here at any moment are Parsa Ranjbar’s own and not those of his employer, unless it’s specifically stated. rnjbr.org may contain views and writings of other people than Parsa Ranjbar and he is not responsible for any of those views, media, writings, ideas, opinions, comments, etc.

Furthermore, one of the benefits of having an open mind is that one’s thoughts and opinions will eventually change. There is no shame at all in changing personal views and beliefs over newly presented evidence.

Posts disclaimer

All posts are published with no guarantee of safety. All posts are published as-is with no warranty whatsoever and only person who is responsible for any harm or damage in any way is the user.

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